Index Update
The Unit Index is Here in Toilet Tower Defense!
Unit Index
We're excited to introduce a new unit index with some exciting rewards! The index will show every unit that you get in your inventory from now on, that is obtainable! This is located new too the summon area. You can see your shiny units along with your regular units and sort by rarity, along with getting extra info from here.
250 Regular Units: Unlock a Jetpack Mount!
40 Shiny Units: Unlock a 50% Endless XP Boost!
Additionally, we have introduced a new type of unit with forcefield abilities. These units can create a forcefield within their range, providing both strategic advantages and increased damage output.
Forcefield Units
Forcefield Attack: When three or more units are within range, they will link to form a forcefield. The more units within range, the higher the damage output, and the shape of the forcefield can change.
Forcefield units can also attack targets outside their usual range.
Forcefield Crate (300 Gems)
An exclusive crate containing powerful forcefield units:
- 50% - Forcefield Speakerman
- 35% - Forcefield Cameraman
- 13% - Large Forcefield Cameraman
- 2% - Titan Forcefield Man
Forcefield Speakerman (50% drop rate)
- 16 Forcefield Range
Forcefield Cameraman (35% drop rate)
- 24 Forcefield Range
Large Forcefield Cameraman (13% drop rate)
- 30 Forcefield Range
Titan Forcefield Man (2% drop rate)
- 50 Forcefield Range
Titan Chimney Man (Exclusive)
This unit can be found in the Exclusive Shop for R$599.
- Breath of Fire AOE: Slows enemies and deals damage.
- Fire Sword: Has Piercing slicing through enemies and sets them on fire for additional damage.
- Campfires: Places up to 5 campfires along the track.
Toilet: Any campfire destroyed by the toilet will ignite, causing additional damage to enemies.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Post Office History has been added! You can now view pervious gifts that you sent and claimed.
- Made the shop side buttons that scroll/jump to sections more percise.
- Made the Starfall TV Man able to place asteroids on each side of the map for PVP
- Fixed the Angel mount not being usable in trading plazas for players that were not on during reset.
Enjoy the new units and rewards, and strategize with the forcefield mechanics for even more dynamic gameplay!
- TTD Dev Team